Become a Partner

Benefits of Becoming a NABEA Partner

Black woman NABEA member engaged in a lively discussion with a Caucasian and Asian colleague at a table.

We recognize that advancing Black voices is a joint effort. That is why we partner with other organizations who similarly work to build for a more diverse and inclusive field and pipeline for Asia opportunities.

Whether we have worked together before or are forging a new partnership, we are excited to collaborate with each other to bring new connections, valuable resources, and engaging opportunities to our respective communities.

Ways to Partner

Connect with Our Global Community

National Association for Black Engagement with Asia (NABEA) Tokyo-based members during a rooftop photoshoot.

Promote your job openings, internship opportunities, and fellowship programs in our newsletter to add over 400+ Black professionals, academics, and students to your applicant pool.

Co-Host an Event

Two Black men on stage at the Center for Strategic International Studies with Dr. Michael Green, a Japan expert, participating in a moderated discussion.

Let’s work together to plan and co-host panel discussions, professional networking opportunities, artistic performances, conferences, social gatherings, and more.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Partner with us to create new community programming that sits at the intersection of our respective missions.

Upgrade your Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

National Association for Black Engagement with Asia (NABEA) members meet with the Japan-US Friendship Commission (JUSFC) in Tokyo, Japan, and give the Korean love hand sign.

Let’s collaborate on tailoring your programming to traditionally underserved communities and weaving diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles into your recruitment and operations.

You’re In Good Company