Code of Conduct

By being here, you agree to be awesome!

We’re excited to have you with us. Let’s keep NABEA a cool, kind, and inclusive community for all!

Be Kind, Always.

  • Respect Everyone: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Simple as that!

  • Celebrate Diversity: We love our diverse community! Embrace different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.

Keep It Inclusive.

  • Everyone’s Welcome: Make sure everyone feels like they belong. Include, don’t exclude.

  • Equal Opportunities: Everyone gets a fair shot at opportunities and resources.

Stay Professional, Stay Cool.

  • Keep things professional and positive. Integrity and honesty are our jam.

  • Harassment and discrimination? Big no-nos. Report any bad behavior to us pronto.

Respect Privacy.

  • Keep It Confidential: Respect everyone’s privacy. Don’t share personal info without permission.

Collaborate and Support.

  • Team Spirit: Support your fellow members. Share insights, give constructive feedback, and cheer each other on.

  • Lift Each Other Up: Be a mentor, be a friend. We’re all in this together.

Join the Fun.

  • Get Involved: Participate in our activities and discussions. Your voice matters!

  • Encourage Everyone: Make sure everyone has a chance to shine.

Conflict? Let’s Talk It Out.

  • Resolve with Respect: Handle conflicts calmly and respectfully.

  • Need Help? Reach out to us for mediation if needed.

Represent Us Well.

  • Be a NABEA Star: Represent NABEA positively in all settings. Share our values and mission proudly.

What Happens if Things Go South?

  • Warnings: If you slip up, we’ll give you a heads-up.

  • Suspensions: Serious or repeated violations might lead to a timeout.

  • Membership Termination: In extreme cases, we might have to part ways.

See Something Off?

  • Speak Up: Report any issues to NABEA leadership. We take all reports seriously and handle them confidentially.